The Brief

Founded by Dominique Lyone 45 years ago, COS is a $350 million Australian workplace product solutions company that is proudly independent, and family owned. The organisation was celebrating a year since Dom’s daughters Belinda and Amie successfully took over the reins as Co-CEOs when Agent99 was engaged.

The aim was to build strong brand awareness in Australia and raise the profile of both Co-CEOs as thought leaders in their respective specialty areas. This, in turn, would support sales growth via website traffic, enquiries and new customers, amplify marketing efforts, and drive high staff sentiment and engagement.

The Solution

Agent99 conducted an extensive strategy session with all key stakeholders to immerse in the brand and understand in-depth the key business objectives.

A three-pronged strategic approach was formulated encompassing firstly, the analysis and leverage of internal data and initiatives, combined with external workplace research planned and commissioned by Agent99. This covered topical areas such as feminine hygiene products, sustainability, and diversity in the workplace, to allow for the creation of ample owned and newsworthy content.

Armed with extensive data points, secondly, Agent99 developed a bank of relevant thought leadership angles for the Co-CEOs. These assets were leveraged to create a long-term content plan that could tell a strong narrative via earned-media, social and owned channels.

Lastly, Agent99 worked closely with the marketing team to build LinkedIn content and drive talkability amongst key target audiences.

The Performance


Since the PR and thought leadership plan has gone live, the Co-CEOs have appeared in countless trade and top tier business publications, podcasts and media outlets including CEO Magazine, The Australian, SMH, Smartcompany, CFO Magazine, LinkedIn News, Saturday Age, 6PR radio, Women Love Tech and more, with a combined reach of 20+ million.

Share of Voice against competitors has dominated by reach and search, and relevant key words associated with the brand’s footprint online include ‘workplace’, ‘product supply solutions’, ‘inspiring work environment’, and many more.

Both Co-CEOs are often recognised for their social engagement and thought leadership content at key trade events by decision-makers.


Combined with other marketing initiatives, direct traffic to the site has grown by 90%+, new users by 95%, and backlinks by 22%.

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