During this pandemic, we’ve been forced to evolve and adapt at a rapid pace. While uncomfortable at times, it has introduced concepts and initiatives that have improved efficiency and results[...]
Check out the final installment of ‘Ask the Agents’. This week we answer the following questions: How to inspire your team to rise to the challenge to step out of[...]
This week, Mumbrella reached out to Sharon Zeev Poole to gain her insights into leading a small agency through the Covid-19 pandemic. Have a read of her insights below: Dear[...]
Welcome to the 2nd installment of “Ask the Agents” which is a video series we’ve created to answer your PR, marketing and communications questions to help provide much needed free[...]
When I began my internship at Agent99 three months ago, I would have never guessed that I would be writing this blog post from the comfort of my own home,[...]
Welcome to our very first episode of “Ask the Agents” which is a video series we’ve created to answer your PR, marketing and communications questions to help provide much needed[...]
So, it’s been almost 2 months working from home. The only way I know that’s true, is from checking my Opal card balance to see the last time I tapped[...]
With the government announcing that as of this week, we can all finally visit our loved ones and friends again, albeit capped at two, I have felt my positivity start[...]
The COVID-19 pandemic has stretched our working networks apart like never before. Australians have been forced to work remotely in huge numbers and this change of scenery gives us a[...]
For most of us, working from home is the “new normal”. We’ve carted our computers and monitors from our offices and created a make-shift workspace on our dining tables, spare[...]