Consumer Public Relations

Experience the power of consumer PR with Agent99. We specialise in creating campaigns that captivate audiences, drive engagement, and build lasting brand loyalty, all while ensuring measurable impact. This is PR that performs, after all.

Elevate Your Consumer Brand with Agent99 PR

In the crowded consumer marketplace, standing out is essential. Many consumer brands struggle with visibility and resonating with their target audience. Our innovative strategies bridge this gap, while delivering clear, quantifiable results.

We leverage our extensive industry experience and strong media contacts to position your brand in key outlets.

Effective Consumer PR Strategies for Your Brand

Media Relations

After formulating a detailed strategy to elevate your brand, we craft targeted, attention-grabbing media materials and pitches, focused on securing media coverage in the most relevant outlets, with a commitment to exceeding measurable outcomes.

Event Management

From product launches to experiential events, we create memorable experiences that engage consumers and generate buzz, while always meticulously measuring their success.

Influencer Partnerships

We identify and collaborate with influencers who align with your brand values to amplify your message and reach new audiences through authentic endorsements, ensuring their impact is trackable and significant.

Why Work with Agent99 PR for Consumer PR

We are connected

We leverage our extensive network and deep understanding of media landscapes to ensure your message reaches precisely the right audience, with measurable impact.

We measure it

We don't just secure media coverage and walk away. We monitor and track the progress of your campaign during and after completion to ensure it meets your desired outcomes.

We are honest

We keep you updated throughout the process and maintain transparency. If something isn't working, we'll be open about it and propose an alternative direction.