

Public Relations is all about building relationships and creating meaningful communications between an organisation and their target audience. And while typically people associate this with promoting goods or services directly[...]

The Australian Influencer market is highly populated, and as we’ve learned, can be very profitable for businesses. However, with so many influencers to work with and a multitude of brands[...]

With all this information around what influencer marketing is, how much it costs, and how to write a good brief, it can be very easy to put influencer marketing in[...]

So, you’ve determined that influencer marketing is worth it, but how much does it actually cost? Social media influencers range across many platforms and their reach, size, audience profile and[...]

Now that you know what influencer marketing is, how to develop an effective strategy, whether influencers are worth it for your particular business, and how to write a solid influencer[...]

You’ve chosen your influencers, all a perfect fit for you brand, and you’ve planned out a killer influencer marketing strategy… so now what? The next step is to write a[...]

By now we’ve learned what influencer marketing is, how it can benefit your business and how to properly utilise influencers as a successful marketing tool. However, there are always a[...]

We’ve already learnt that Influencer Marketing is an online marketing approach that uses individuals with a considerable following on a dedicated platform to endorse products or services. If you’re intrigued[...]

Influencer marketing is an online marketing approach that uses individuals with a large following on a dedicated platform to endorse or promote products and events. Influencers are people who have[...]

PR is certainly not a little-known-secret these days, and has proven itself to be an integral and beneficial component of business growth and maintenance plans. Although it may seem like[...]