5 things you need to have ready before starting a PR campaign

When it comes to a PR campaign, preparation REALLY is key. You will need to put in the groundwork if you want to achieve exceptional results and capture national attention.

Here are 5 things you’ll need to have ready:

  1. Have set KPIs in mind

Some people have the mindset that potential reach and reams of coverage equals success. Dependent on your business, this might not be the case. We always host an initial strategy session at the start of any campaign where we identify our objectives and measurable KPIs. This might be an increase in website traffic, if we’re able to access Google analytics, share of voice compared to competitors, or number of media pieces and their reach. We don’t shy away from KPIs as it allows us to be strategic and focused in our approach.

  1. Know your customer inside and out

Also, at the beginning of any campaign, we ask our clients who their target customers are. We go through their personas, habits and the type of media they consume. Once we know this information, we can specifically tailor our strategy to ensure that we’re targeting the right publications so that their audience can be exposed to the brand to drive interest. If you’re a wholesaler and the purpose of your PR campaign is to recruit more distributors, you’ll want to be targeting retail trade publications, alongside consumer and business outlets for example.

  1. Photography

Any good story must be coupled with a good imagery. 9 times out of 10 times, we are asked for a high res image to accompany the story we have pitched. If we don’t have images on hand, this can really hinder success. We always ask our clients for a variety of shots; straight product shots, lifestyle, headshots of spokespeople, the more the merrier!

  1. Identify your spokespeople

Within each press release, we always quote and offer a spokesperson for interview to provide information on the topic at hand. Make sure that your spokespeople are well versed in the business core truths (and the press release) and are ultimately personable. An interview can really bring a press release or pitch to life, so make sure they are passionate and carry the message well.  If you have identified that your spokesperson requires some training before they can nail that interview, we offer some excellent courses: https://agent99pr.com/media-training-service/

  1. Media wishlist

Although we’re not genies at Agent99, we’re pretty damn close to it (well we like to think so). Providing a media or influencer wishlist will allow us to target the publications you would love to be featured in. We will of course recommend outlets that we believe are best suited to your target audience if any are missing.

Have these things bedded down, and you will guarantee yourself a killer PR campaign!

Agent Amelia