B2B PR: Should I Engage a PR Agency?

So now that you’ve read all about B2B PR and have decided that it’s right for your brand, the next question that might be on your mind is “should I hire a PR agency?” While it may be tempting to try your hand at managing a B2B PR campaign on your own, then there are several key reasons why we would recommend you look to engage a specialist PR Agency.

Experts in media strategy

PR agencies are experts in devising and implementing B2B PR campaigns. If this is your first time engaging with B2B media, then you might not know which media outlets you should target, how you should approach journalists, or what the best strategy for growing your Linkedin following is. You might also not be aware of the many data-driven benefits of Digital PR, and how a B2B PR strategy incorporating Digital PR can be used to build backlinks, increase the SEO ranking and domain authority of your website and drive both direct and organic traffic to your website and social media pages. These are all key elements of a great B2B PR strategy, and something that an experienced PR agency can help you with.

Specialists in communicating with media

Just as PR agencies are experts in B2B PR strategy, PR professionals are also the experts in communicating effectively with journalists. These skills are often refined through years of pitching story ideas to media daily, collecting feedback along the way and adjusting the media outreach strategy accordingly. If you have no prior experience communicating with media or pitching potential story angles, then you may struggle to get your company noticed by the relevant trade publications and journalists.

Knows Issues Management

You may have heard of the term ‘PR crisis’ before, this generally refers to when any negative event or review related to your business gains traction in the public sphere. Facing a PR crisis head on can be a particularly daunting experience, and you’ll need a good crisis management communications team to help you weather the storm. The lesser known relative of crisis management is ‘issues management’, meaning identifying and rectifying potential PR issues before they ever blow out into a crisis. This is where an excellent PR agency can be extremely valuable, as they will be able to advise you on how your campaign will most likely be perceived by media, and help you identify and uncover any issues before they hit the headlines. If a crisis does occur, your PR agency will always be in your corner, and can advise you on what to say and how best to handle the situation.

Provides Media Training

Not everyone is a natural in front of the camera, and that’s okay! Having self-awareness and knowing your own strengths and weaknesses is integral to PR success, so if you know you’re a bit camera shy or get easily tongue-tied in front of a live audience, then your PR agency can provide you with invaluable media training and interview preparation to ensure that every interview is a success and you land your key campaign messages. Even if you think you are an experienced and confident public speaker, your PR agency will still be able to advise you on the types of questions journalists are likely to ask and how you might want to respond to them, ensuring you are prepared for even the toughest of interview scenarios!

Attracts Relevant Stakeholders  

Stakeholder relations are another specialty area of PR agencies. The right media opportunities and exposure you receive, can be used to attract the attention of key audiences including investors, customers, or ongoing partners. With on-target key messaging and media strategy, B2B PR increases your company’s credibility for all relevant stakeholders.

Generates business leads

A well-executed B2B public relations campaign can improve business outcomes by generating new leads. With your PR agency helping you get coverage in all the right media outlets, your company will build a profile and become more visible to potential prospects. Furthermore, incorporating Digital PR into your strategy creates the opportunity to develop high-value content (e.g. white papers, market research etc.) that can be converted into lead generation assets.

Gives you time back into your day

As a busy business owner or brand manager, no doubt you are always juggling multiple different hats at once and have a million things on your to-do list. We’ve heard from several of our clients that they only have time to work on their PR in the ‘last 5 minutes of their day.’ Hiring a PR agency can help put valuable time back into your day to focus on other aspects of your brand or business, leaving the media strategy planning and execution to the PR professionals. You’ll have peace of mind knowing that your brand’s public image and reputation is in the hands of a dedicated PR team that have your best interests at heart.

So, should you engage a PR agency to implement your B2B PR strategy? If you’re serious about planning and executing a successful strategy with a clear, outcome-driven ROI, then hiring a PR agency may be the best option for you. If you’re interested to learn more about Agent99’s B2B PR services, please email the team at: Info@agent99pr.com

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