Why transparency is king when it comes to your PR agency relationship

When you’ve run a PR agency for over 12 years and you’ve been in the game for 20… you’ve seen and heard it all.  A few times…. Jail terms and name changes included…

The issue arises when you actually don’t hear about it.  Meaning, if you decide to withhold information from your PR team, that’s when problems flair up.

So, what does this actually mean?  Like all agency relationships, the more you involve your account team in your business and your history, the more they will feel like an extension of your team, and thus produce better results for you.

Here are my tips to ensure you get the most out of your agency when it comes to transparency and information sharing:

  1. Avoid skeletons in the closet

If you think there is anything in the past that may be deeply hidden on page 26 of google about your company, reputation or spokespeople – don’t just hope it doesn’t rear its ugly head.  Raise it with your team and always be on the front foot.  This way, rather than being thrown out during an interview by a well-researched journo, you’ll be ready to handle it like a pro to control the message and achieve the right outcome.

  1. Too much information is never a ‘thing’

Oftentimes, clients make the mistake of thinking that their content or back story might be boring, trivial, or insignificant.  Let us decide whether this is the case!  Sharing your history, how you arrived at the point you have with your brand, any other global assets or information you have on hand, will help to present a myriad of opportunities.  So, don’t ever fear that you’re ‘oversharing’!

  1. A ‘who is who in the zoo’ run down will help contextualise results and the communication of them

It’s imperative to give your agency a clear understanding of all your stakeholders, where you fit in as the day to day contact, your own objectives for the campaign, and how we should report results and progress. This will help the team to understand the context in which the PR function operates and will streamline reporting to satisfy both internal and external needs.

  1. Your problem is our problem

Your PR team should always have your back.  Understanding your overall campaign goals, and how they help to solve the business challenges you may have, will assist them to deliver consistent and proactive solutions.  Having the team only work on top line short term activities (without fully understanding the deeper issues) will mean that the ideas may only work to solve ‘surface issues’ rather than aiding to crack the root problem.    

So, no more secrets right?

Agent Sharon