Farewelling 2021 with a Full Heart, Team and Roster of Clients

What a year! Although we thought the worst of the pandemic was behind us, 2021 certainly threw us some curveballs. If you’re feeling tired and itching for the summer holidays to begin, you’re not alone. As we look to embrace a relaxing holiday period, we wanted to take the time to reflect on one of our agency’s most successful years yet. We feel very fortunate that we are in this position, and it is a true testament to our team who work tirelessly, with passion, integrity and humour.

So, what have we been up to in 2021?

Firstly, Agent99 won the Public Relations Industry of Australia (PRIA) National Boutique PR Agency of the Year Award and Best Small Budget Campaign of the Year Award for Monopoly’s Community Relief Board. There are hundreds of PR agencies in Australia, so it’s such an incredible feat and we thank our amazing clients who put their trust in us to work as partners to execute successful campaigns for their brands.

Our team has literally exploded! If you visited our office at the start of 2021, you won’t know yourself when you walk back in next time. We now have 8 full time staffers (welcoming the lovely Hollie in January 2022) and we’re still on the lookout for other epic communicators to join the team.

We hosted MULTIPLE events throughout the year – hello tequila tastings, flower making and a charity launch, just to name a few… This year we have reached our full potential at executing and hosting virtual events and have seen how successful they are. But we still do love a live in-person event where we can mingle with top tier journalists and social media influencers.

We have also been upskilling in Digital PR – although we knew that PR was no longer about column inches (and our KPI system was already quite sophisticated), we attended all-team training sessions to brush up on our skills. Since learning new ways of measurement and how our campaigns can have such an impact on a brand’s digital footprint, we are going from strength to strength.

As I can’t speak for everyone, I asked each team member to share one of their proudest client moments this year. So, without further ado, over to the Agent’s.

Eva – Proud moments were seeing Future X Collective get coverage in Women’s Agenda (a publication they’d always wanted to be featured in) and seeing Angela get her AFR photoshoot for a piece coming out in January. The work feels rewarding when you see just how happy it makes them and you know how much they deserve it, and the impact it will make on their business.

Nic – Winning DISCUS after a competitive pitch, and within 6 months, partnering with some of the country’s leading bars including Maybe Sammy, Re, and The Elysian to promote brands including Woodford Reserve, Jack Daniels, and Wild Turkey. The member brands noticed an increase in sales and distribution opportunities, and we’ve re-signed the campaign on an even larger scale for 2022.

Kath – I’ve been really proud of some of the thought-leadership pieces I’ve been able to secure for Global Prime in the AFR, News.com.au, etc. Digi PR wise, it was also great to see that the traffic to their website has increased substantially in a year-on-year comparison to this time last year, and the only thing they’re doing differently is PR! The success speaks for itself.

Amelia – My proudest moment would be hosting a virtual launch event for Cazcabel Tequila. Although the lead up consisted of some tense Australia Post calls and sourcing issues, 25 wonderful journalists and influencers attended the tasting and cocktail making session. So many top tier outlets were in attendance, including Good Food, Thrillist, Elle, GQ and as a result, 13x pieces of editorial coverage and 7 x social media posts were secured via the attendees. It also had an immediate impact on sales for the brand!

Emma – My client highlight would be the Warrior Woman Foundation Launch. It was hard to organise via Zoom and find ways to make it interesting, and with the speakers dropping out it at the last minute it was tough going. But in the end we had an amazing turn out of top tier publications and the feedback and support for Jess and the mentors on the night was incredible. It was so empowering!

Em – My highlight for the year would have to be launching Silent Pool Gin in Australia. We had such an amazing kick off, seeing incredible reviews, coverage and growth of the brand in Australia as the UK’s leading super-premium gin. We also got the opportunity to partner with the Sanctuary Film Festival as their alcohol drinks sponsor and work with the Crown Group to host their exclusive Christmas Dinner alongside Tiffany & Co.

Sharon – My biggest highlight this year was seeing our team really stretch themselves way beyond their comfort zone in terms of strategy and execution for our clients, and self-development. And what a better way to end the year on a high with an industry award that really calls out this effort and puts us up there as one of the best teams in the country.  2022 has some big boots to fill!!  Can’t wait to get cracking after a very well-earned break for us all.  

We would love to hear about one of your proudest moments in 2021! Our last day in the office will be December 23rd, so please get in touch if you need help with your 2022 PR, Marketing or Communications plans. Otherwise, you know where to find us in January (from the 10th) once we have all had a chance to recharge the batteries.

Have a wonderful festive season and new year, and here is to an epic 2022.

From Agent Amelia and the rest of the A99 team (Sharon, Nic, Em, Ems, Kath and Eva)!