Meet the Agents: Blog Series Part 2

Name: Amelia Watson
Role: Account Manager

A little about myself…

I’m an energetic and vibrant person (most of the time), with a slight hint of sass and sarcasm. I am obsessed with making my clients/friends/family happy, AND food – except please don’t feed me tuna or sushi. I am known for going to brunch each weekend, which my stomach likes but my bank account doesn’t.

What did you want to be growing up?

I pride myself on my organisational skills, so it’s no surprise that I wanted to be a Personal Assistant. When I was very young though, I wanted to be a receptionist at my local hairdresser. Clearly, I don’t like talking to people!

How did you end up at Agent99?

I studied a Bachelor of Business at university and had no idea what I wanted to do. To decide, I did a marketing internship at a fashion brand, a public relations internship at a boutique agency and then a social media internship at a social media agency. During my stint at the PR agency, we packed press kits with chocolate and I thought wow, I can eat food at this job. And, here I am! Just kidding, a few more things played a part in my journey to Agent99.

Describe yourself in five words?

Passionate, loyal, sassy, outgoing and efficient.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

Making a difference for your clients! Although a fantastic feature can give you a great sense of satisfaction and pride, seeing your clients excited is the icing on the cake. Especially if it leads to new business, ticket sales, greater awareness, etc. It’s amazing to see how PR can positively impact their business.

On the weekends you’ll find Amelia….

If you haven’t guessed, I’ll probably be eating at a cafe. Maybe partaking in a cheeky walk – but not too far! And swimming in the ocean if it’s summer – I’m a big water baby.