Meet the Agents: Blog Series Part 3

Name: Emilie Lawson
Role: Senior Account Executive

A little bit about myself…

Hey there, my name is Emilie and I’m passionate, creative and (most annoyingly for my colleagues) very chatty!

If there were any quintessential “Emilie things” I would comfortably share in a public forum, I would say that I have a stellar ability to always find something to talk about (I’m one of those crazy people that loves socials settings).  Also, you will definitely find me with at least one piece of bread in my hand per day, and most importantly, I am fiercely loyal and passionate about the things I do and the people I surround myself with. 

What did you want to be growing up?

Growing up and being the type-A personality that I am, I had a very high-achieving career list that looked like the following:

1. Ballerina
2. Astronaut
3. Judge
4. Doctor
5. Wedding Planner

Notice the one common factor? Someone who always likes to have control and take the lead!

Unfortunately, to my parent’s dismay, I did not grow up to become a judge, astronaut or doctor and my poor dancing ability limited those ballerina dreams. I think a part of me might still one day turn the wedding planning into a side hustle though.

How did you end up at Agent99 PR?

Coming to work at Agent99 has been a recent decision, yet such a great one! Before Agent99, I knew that media and communications were some of my strongest skills, so I then went and pursued a PR degree and never looked back. 

I spent three years working in healthcare communications and then realised it was time to tap into my other creative outlets and move to an agency that allowed me to be more flexible and think outside the box on campaigns and strategies!

Describe yourself in five words:

Loud, passionate, opinionated, bubbly, autonomous 

What is the most rewarding part of your job? 

PR definitely has its good and bad days, but there’s nothing like the rush you get from telling a story that needs to be told! Whether you’re representing a brand, client or product – nothing beats the sensation of kicking butt for a them and getting their story and message across to an audience that needs to hear it!