Diary of an Agent – the First 3 Months

So, it’s been almost 2 months working from home. The only way I know that’s true, is from checking my Opal card balance to see the last time I tapped off. It was the last day in the office when the team made the unanimous decision to trial working from home as COVID-19 hit a turning point, rapidly progressing from a minor concern to a global pandemic. That “trial” has lasted 8 weeks so far.

It’s still surreal to think about COVID-19 and how it’s shaping daily life, let alone the world. It’s like something out of a movie. It’s also surreal to think that I’ve been with Agent99 for 3 months during this period. The past 3 months have been quite a ride; from getting a crash course in agency life after working client side my entire career, getting to know a new team while they’re getting to know me at the same time, to figuring out how my skill set can expand the agency’s suite of services to our clients.

To throw a pandemic into the mix, and working remotely for a majority of my time at the agency, has definitely made things more interesting. I’m always keen for a challenge, and I put the intention out there that 2020 would be a dramatically different year. What a year it’s been… and it’s only May!

It’s safe to say 2020 has provided lots of challenges, but it’s also provided lots of opportunities. To be pushed out of my comfort zone on a constant basis is something I’m not used to, but I feel like I’ve learned (and am still learning) a lot about myself, how to be resilient and how to think (even more) creatively.

Brainstorming with the team (albeit remotely) has been really rewarding, collectively coming up with some truly creative and fun ways to engage audiences, as well as support our clients. It’s great to work with a bunch of creative minds who aren’t afraid to think outside the box and who also don’t always play it safe.

However, it hasn’t all been sunshine and puppies. Working alone has proven the biggest challenge for me, even more so than the pandemic itself. Sure, social distancing and not being able to see friends and family, or go out for brunch or to the movies has taken some adapting to (I know, woe is me), but not being able to sit down and bounce ideas with the team, or even just partake in office banter is something I miss and crave.

I’ve gotten used to the ‘current normal’, adapting a lot faster than I thought, but there are days every now and again that are a bit challenging, as I’m sure everyone working from home has faced. I’m fairly pragmatic and self-sufficient, so when things get tough, I try to put things into perspective, which has kept me focused and motivated.

I definitely feel for those who are truly suffering during this crisis, so I count myself fortunate in comparison, but like everyone, I’m hopeful for the future and that we return to a ‘new normal’ when the time is right. Until then, I’ll keep that Opal card handy to tap on for my return to Agent99 HQ.

By Agent Raymond

Agent99 is an award-winning PR and communications agency based in Sydney. For more information about our services, contact us at info@agent99pr.com.

Further reading:
Maintaining Your Mental Health While Working Alone at Home
Maintaining Company Culture During a Crisis