Tips to staying afloat during the COVID-19 pandemic

No matter what area of work you are in, no matter how much experience you have, nothing could have prepared us all for the global COVID-19 pandemic we are currently facing.

Here at Agent99, we are a full-service PR and Communications agency, with many years of experience in helping brands succeed no matter what the environment, and in the past number of weeks, we have been helping our clients to pivot their communications strategies to suit the current landscape.

Our personalised approach, underpinned by deep knowledge and experience, has allowed us to make the most of this challenging situation.  Here are a few of our tips to help other PR professionals to operate as effectively as possible during COVID-19.

1. Amp up communication strategies – but make sure the message is right

If we know one thing for sure, it’s that communication is any PR agency’s bread and butter. During the COVID-19 crisis it is more important than ever to amp up communication, rather than saying nothing at all. Customers will appreciate you reaching out, being open and helping them feel like they are “in the loop” with their favourite brands.  Crucial information such as store closures, take-away only, and reduced opening hours are just a few examples of the vital knowledge that needs to be communicated to help keep your business afloat.  For PR agencies, if other work or marketing plans have been halted, this is a perfect opportunity to come up with ways to assist clients with their bespoke comms plans. By bringing valuable and experienced skills to the table, PR agencies can assist by writing press releases, maintaining relevant social media content, and involving consumers by via special offers and giveaways.

2. Help to manage crisis

A crucial and helpful role that PR agencies can play, is helping deal with crises and providing strategic guidance to companies trying to overcome these. During COVID-19 it is so important to be able to manage crises well and keep things positive.  Problems can arise for any business in a crisis including issues such as a shortage of products, a severe lack of sales, or a reduced number of staff. Positive communication is key in these situations. By being proactive, keeping communication open with your audience and providing a clear strategy for dealing with the crisis, PR agencies can be an asset during these unforeseen times.

3. Offer a range of diverse content

Whilst navigating unchartered territory, it is crucial for businesses to continue generating diverse and helpful new content. This is where PR agencies can help! Creatives at heart, PR firms can make anything seem new with a range of different angles, tactics and approaches. And despite not having a rule book at this time, you can demonstrate your breadth of skills by showcasing innovative ways of tackling campaigns and content. For us, it meant we had to think outside-the-box for many of our clients, which has led to some incredible ideas including virtual drinks on Wednesdays for our client Westward Whiskey, and virtual hikes for outdoor brand Fjallraven. Be sure to tailor your approach to what consumers really need during this time and how it will still positively affect your business or product. The options are endless in this amazing technological world we live in!

These are just a few ways PRs can help businesses and clients during this difficult time. By keeping things fresh, relevant and maintaining communication the whole way, you’ll ensure that the brands you work with come out of this crisis as best as they can!

If you would like to know more about how Agent99 might be able to help your business or service, please do not hesitate to contact us at (02) 9779 0999.

By Agents Nic & Netia

Further reading:
5 Brands that are handling the Coronavirus crises well from a PR perspective
Free Download: How to instil confidence in your social community during times of crises