What makes content marketing powerful and persuasive?

For most people, information is the defining factor that could convert someone from a browser into a consumer. In an industry where trends change as fast as they come, the need for information will always stay consistent for both customers and marketers alike. Content marketing focuses on creating and sharing valuable information to drive profitable action. To find out more about why content marketing and storytelling is important, you can read more about this here.

Content creation can be recorded against a range of different metrics, and it is a powerful form of marketing. It ultimately aims to provide the most value (in information) to its target market and may very well define the success of a brand. Whether it be through blog posts, case studies, infographics or even books, content marketing is all around us and makes up all facets of marketing such as SEO and PR. So, in the ‘era of information,’ what differentiates between good content and fantastic content? How do you generate content that is powerful and persuasive?

Stay up to date

Always make sure to provide relevant content to the time and landscape. With the fast-paced nature of the internet, it is easy to be left behind in the dust and there is nothing worse than sharing old news. Looking at emerging trends and upcoming news is the only way to make sure brands are aware of the changing needs of their target audience and to stay relevant. Remember, valuable content is relevant.

Consider content length

Gen Z has an attention span of 8 seconds whereas millennials report a slightly higher span of 12 seconds. We can see that the two of the most important audiences are unnervingly efficient in sorting between good and subpar content. So, consider the length and quality of your content, and gauge when it will be appropriate to delve further, or keep it short and sweet.

Content uniqueness

Make sure that your content is new and refreshing! Consumers are exposed to information more than ever, hence it is vital that you provide engaging content that will capture the interests of those who view it. Capturing your image as niche and unique will be the elevation needed to separate a brand from its competitors. Especially for younger audiences, also consider adding in a visual element of some sort, whether it is a video, gif, animation or image – this will help pique their interest and tell your brand story in another way.

We live in an information society and if your business is not seeing the expected results, an absence of content marketing may be the answer. Content marketing is undoubtedly the best way to solidify your marketing strategy and achieve sale increase, cost savings and consumer loyalty. By providing relevant and valuable content, this emphasizes a brand’s expertise in their industry, and this can help secure trust between a brand and their target market. It can also preemptively answer any questions and put to bed any doubts that plague potential consumers. Furthermore, it also contributes to SEO and other digital marketing channels. Content marketing does not require a whole new person to fill the role and can easily be completed with very minimal effort. If some time is dedicated by someone who is knowledgeable in the business, the accumulated work can bring forth monumental results.

If you would like to know more about how content marketing can best work for your brand, please contact Sharon@Agent99pr.com

By Intern Agent Danica & Agent Emilie